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Pixel Speedrun: Mastering the Art of Speedrunning in Pixel Games

pixel speedrun

pixel speedrun

Pixel speedrunning has become a thrilling subculture within the broader gaming community. The minimalist aesthetic of pixel art games combined with the high-intensity, high-skill nature of speedrunning creates a unique blend that captivates both players and audiences alike. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of pixel speedrun, exploring its origins, techniques, popular games, and tips for aspiring speedrunners.

What is Pixel Speedrunning?

Pixel speedrunning refers to the practice of completing pixel art games as quickly as possible. Speedrunning itself is a well-established gaming genre where players aim to finish a game in the shortest time achievable. Pixel art games, characterized by their retro, 8-bit to 16-bit graphics, offer a nostalgic yet challenging playground for speedrunners.

The Origins of Pixel Speedrunning

The roots of pixel speedrunning can be traced back to the early days of gaming with classics like “Super Mario Bros.” and “The Legend of Zelda.” These games, with their pixelated graphics and straightforward mechanics, became the first targets for speedrunners. As the speedrunning community grew, so did the diversity of games being run, eventually encompassing modern pixel art games like “Celeste” and “Shovel Knight.”

Techniques and Strategies in Pixel Speedrunning

Mastering a pixel speedrun requires a blend of skill, strategy, and in-depth knowledge of the game. Here are some common techniques used by speedrunners:

  1. Glitch Exploitation: Many speedruns rely on discovering and utilizing glitches within the game to bypass certain sections or achieve unintended outcomes. For example, wall clipping or out-of-bounds glitches can save valuable time.
  2. Optimal Pathing: Speedrunners meticulously plan their routes to ensure the most efficient path through a game. This involves understanding the layout of levels and the placement of enemies and obstacles.
  3. Frame-Perfect Inputs: Precision is key in speedrunning. Many pixel speedruns require frame-perfect inputs, meaning the player must press buttons at exact moments to execute specific moves or actions.
  4. Practice and Memorization: Continuous practice and memorization of levels, enemy patterns, and game mechanics are essential. Speedrunners often spend hours refining their runs to achieve the best possible times.

Several pixel art games have gained popularity within the speedrunning community due to their challenging gameplay and intricate design. Here are a few notable titles:

  1. Celeste: Known for its tight controls and challenging platforming, “Celeste” is a favorite among speedrunners. The game’s Assist Mode and detailed level design make it ideal for both newcomers and veterans.
  2. Shovel Knight: This retro-inspired action-adventure game offers a rich, challenging experience with multiple characters and campaigns, each with unique mechanics.
  3. Undertale: Although not strictly a pixel art game, “Undertale” features pixelated graphics and has a dedicated speedrunning community. Its various endings and routes provide diverse speedrunning opportunities.
  4. Hollow Knight: With its vast, interconnected world and precise combat mechanics, “Hollow Knight” offers a deep and rewarding speedrunning experience.

Tips for Aspiring Pixel Speedrunners

If you’re interested in diving into the world of pixel speedrunning, here are some tips to get you started:

  1. Choose the Right Game: Start with a game that you enjoy and feel comfortable playing. Familiarity with the game’s mechanics and levels is crucial.
  2. Watch and Learn: Study the runs of experienced speedrunners. Platforms like Twitch and YouTube host numerous speedrun videos and tutorials that can provide valuable insights.
  3. Join the Community: Engage with the speedrunning community on forums, Discord servers, and social media. Fellow speedrunners can offer support, advice, and feedback on your runs.
  4. Practice Consistently: Regular practice is essential to improve your skills and reduce your times. Focus on mastering individual sections of the game before attempting full runs.
  5. Be Patient: Speedrunning can be challenging and sometimes frustrating. Patience and perseverance are key to overcoming obstacles and achieving better times.


Pixel speedrunning is a thrilling and rewarding pursuit that combines the charm of pixel art games with the excitement of competitive gaming. Whether you’re a seasoned speedrunner or a newcomer, the world of pixel speedrunning offers endless opportunities for growth, challenge, and enjoyment. Dive in, practice your skills, and perhaps one day, you’ll set a new record in your favorite pixel art game.

By embracing the techniques, strategies, and community support, anyone can embark on the journey of pixel speedrunning and experience the thrill of shaving seconds off their run times. Happy speedrunning!

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